The NEXUS Institute for Quantitative Biology (NIQB) Community consists of faculty from each of the participating institutions that develop/revise, implement, assess, and disseminate competency-based, active learning quantitative biology modules. This process started with an Annual Symposium followed by a 3-day Summer Institute, where the module development process was started. Faculty working on the module development and implementation process continue to meet during the academic year in regular work group meetings. The modules are being longitudinally assessed for their impact on students’ quantitative reasoning skills and academic success, with emphasis on transfer student success.

Details for the 2019 NIQB Annual Symposium and Summer Institute, which was held May 31, June 7, and June 14 at Howard Community College, can be found HERE!
Find a list quantitative reasoning modules that are currently under development HERE.
Find a FAQ on the quantitative module development process HERE.